Sunday 16 November 2014


    Duh udah bingung nih mau post apaan, mau post curhatan tapi itu ga penting.-. yaudah deh sekarang mau nge post materi Kimia Organik aja kali ya, semoga bermafaat buat kalian yang lagi belajar keras mata pelajaran organik. Buat adik adik kelasku kelak yang bakal belajar Kimia Organik juga di kelas 11. oiya ini pake English campur Indonesian yaw...

Brief history of organic chemistry.


Scientietis began to distinguisn between organic compounds and inorganic compounds.
Organic Compounds => Compounds come from living organism or living sources.
Inorganic Compounds => Compounds come from non living sources.

Organic Compound

  • Human : Enzyme,Urea,Proteine.
  • Animal : Glucose, Urea.
  • Plant : Chlorophyle, Vitamin C, Auksin.
  • Fungi : Proteine.
  • Microorganism : Bacteria, Virus ( Antibiotik)
  • Algae : Protein, Carbohydrate, Bioethanil.

Inorganic Compounds

  • Soil : Fe(OH)2, SiO2
  • Water : H2O, CO2, O2
  • Air : O2, CO2, NOx, SOx
  • Stone/ Rock : CaCO3, Ca3(PO4)2

Vitalism Period

Vis Vitalism

Vital Force Theory 
Vital ; Hidup
Force : Daya
Vital Force ; Daya hidup

Vital Force Theory
"Inorganic compounds could be converted to organic compounds in the presence of vital force found only in living bodies"
 Point from Vital Force Theory

  1. Organic compounds came from living organism.
  2. Organic compounds couldn't be synthesized in laboratory scale.

1828 Friedrich Wohler


Ammonium isocyanate => Urea ( White Crystal)
from Inorganic to Organic


  • Vital force theory slowly dead.
  • 7 million organic compounds and 1,5 inorganic compounds could be synthesized.

August Kekule

Penemu bentuk Benzene, kenapa bentuk benzene itu ada lingkaran ditengahnya? karena si kekule mimpi seekor ular yang sedang melingkar, sama halnya si benzene punya 3 garis duoble bond di tengah yang suka pindah tempat ke samping jad kaya muterin gitu.
Dia nih awal mula Kimia Organik udah jadi modern...

Sekian dulu ya.... ntar dilanjut kok

Sumber : Catatan Kimia Organik from Pak Rusman Nolana /XI-3/Ananda Ghifari

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